This selection of webinar recordings will guide your through the process of certification under a selection of key international standards.

Standards are essentially frameworks that describe the best ways of doing things and facilitate a common understanding of processes, procedures and methodologies.  This common understanding essentially levels the playing field, making it easier for potential customers to assess the quality and viability of a product/service, while significantly mitigating risk along the supply chain.

International standards that are created through the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) (amongst others) play a vital role in facilitating trade, allowing Australian businesses to compete successfully in the global economy.

The GTPA has developed the only standards currently existing for the certification of global trade professionals (under ISO/IC17024) and internationally trading businesses (under ISO/IEC 17065), and is perfectly placed to educate Victorian exporters on standards, their importance, and the mechanisms for certification and accreditation.

The GTPA is also currently working on the Technical Committee developing an international Chain of Custody standard that will significantly impact global supply chains

Webinar 1: Let's talk standards

Using international standards allows Victorian businesses to meet internationally recognised benchmarks, making it easier for them to compete and sell anywhere in the world by giving potential customers an immediate understanding of the level of competence, processes, procedures, and quality and consistency of production of the Victorian business and its products/services.  Companies that meet international standards consequently have a competitive edge when entering global supply and value chains.  However, the world of standards is a complex and multi-layered one and businesses are often left bewildered by the sheer number of standards bodies and individual standards that may be applicable to them, as well as the often times complicated and costly process of compliance.

This session will aim to demystify standards and provide easy-to-access information on those most applicable to specific industry sectors.

Topics will include:

  • Why standards?
  • International Organisation for Standardisation(ISO)
  • International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
  • The role of Standards Australia
  • Other key standards bodies
  • The role of private, industry-led standards, including “Fair Trade” & the impact of the Modern Slavery Act
  • The international standards most commonly applicable to:
    • International trade (both individual & businesses)
    • Food & fibre
    • Manufacturing & processing
    • Communications, IT & eCommerce services
    • Consumer products
    • Health
    • Building & construction
    • Education & training

Webinar 2: Let's talk certification Part 1

To gain market access in overseas markets, Victorian (and Australian) products, processes and services must often be designed and certified to meet international standards.  Alignment to international standards also supports consistency and interoperability across borders, enabling business to take their place in global supply and value chains.

This session will focus on the case for compliance and certification, with emphasis on the benefits for internationally trading businesses wishing to enter global supply and value chains.

The GTPA will draw on the key finding of its recent APEC Supply Chain Survey to substantiate the information provided.

Topics will include:

  • Standards as a gateway to global markets
  • Choosing the correct standard for your business
  • Standards and the connection to Multinational Corporation (MNC) procurement policies
  • Standards and the World Trade Organization Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (WTO TBT)

Webinar 3:  Let’s talk certification Part 2

This session will guide participants through the process of certification under a selection of key international standards.

Topics will include:

  • What’s involved in being certified?

Standards to include:

  • ISO/IEC 17024 – Global Trade Professionals (individual)
  • ISO/IEC 17065 – International trading businesses
  • AS/NZS ISO 9001: 2018 – Quality management
  • AS/NZS ISO 14001: 2016 – Environmental management systems
  • AS ISO 22000: 2005 – Food safety management systems
  • HACCP – Food safety
  • AS ISO 22301:2020 – Security and resilience
  • AS ISO/IEC 27001: 2015 – Information security management
  • AS ISO 31000: 2018 – Risk management
  • AS/NZS ISO 45001: 2018 – Occupational health and safety management systems
  • What does it cost?
  • Do you need a consultant?  And finding your fit.

Webinar 4: Let's talk certification Part 3

Webinar 5: Standards, Certification and Global Value Chains

To gain market access in overseas markets, Victorian (and Australian) products, processes and services must often be designed and certified to meet international standards.  Alignment to international standards also supports consistency and interoperability across borders, enabling business to take their place in global supply and value chains.

This session will focus on the case for compliance and certification, with emphasis on the benefits for internationally trading businesses wishing to enter global supply and value chains.

The GTPA will draw on the key finding of its recent APEC Supply Chain Survey to substantiate the information provided.

Topics will include:

  • Standards as a gateway to global markets
  • Choosing the correct standard for your business
  • Standards and the connection to Multinational Corporation (MNC) procurement policies
  • Standards and the World Trade Organization Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (WTO TBT)