Asterisk Kitchen

Asterisk Kitchen sell their unique product range to premium food outlets around the globe.

Accessing these export markets requires considerable market research to identify suitable high-value gourmet stores in cities such as Dubai and Singapore, and Global Victoria, through its network of trade and investment offices, has assisted Younes' company by exhibiting and showcasing their products at major trade shows, including Gulfood and Foodex.

"With the help of the Victorian Government, they’ve really acted as a facilitator for our first export strategy." Younes Khazour

The more recent challenge as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic has been accessing discerning customers through new channels, such as eCommerce, and often in combination with traditional purchasing. To combat this, Asterisk Kitchen has been a key participant in Global Victoria's eCommerce program which helped the company to secure a contract, and begin supplying their products to Jones the Grocer, a gourmet food emporium with 15 stores in the UAE.

Kate and Younes are keen to build on their success and 23 years of experience, to continue their creative endeavours, diversifying their offering and creating some uniquely Australian flavours using native ingredients, which is a strong passion for this unique Victorian company.