Whipping up Success in the US Market.

Sundae Body, an Australian body care brand, based in Melbourne, known for its innovative and fun approach to everyday essentials, saw an opportunity to inject joy into daily routines, and a market they felt needed a little more excitement.

Global Victoria’s Trade Manager, Mildred Ruiz Leal based out of our New York office, caught up with company Co-founder Lizzie Waley, to find out about Sundae Body’s successful US market entry and the strategies that propelled their global growth.

Co-Founder, Lizzie Waley photographed in this image smiling and holding a bunch of her products in her hands

Sundae Body's flagship product is a whipped shower foam, with its unique selling proposition founded in their three levers of surprise and delight:

  1. Packaging: Vibrant, rainbow-coloured packaging is a standout on the shelves
  2. Formulation: The company challenged the form and function of what the consumer normally associates with a body wash or a body moisturiser. Sundae Body’s product offers a unique whipped cream-like consistency that delivers a delightful sensory experience.
  3. Colour and Fragrance: A playful combination of colours and scents that evoke joy and fun.

Tell us about your decision to engage with the US market and your entry strategy?

The US market, known for its openness to innovation and new brands, was a natural fit for Sundae Body. The company recognised the American consumer's willingness to try new products and their alignment with the brand's positioning.

Sundae Body's US strategy involved a multi-faceted approach:

  • Trade Shows: Participation in trade shows like ADIT Live provided valuable exposure and market research opportunities.
  • Retail Partnership: Securing Walmart as their first retailer provided a platform for massive reach and brand awareness.
  • Community Building: The brand focused on building a loyal community through PR, influencer marketing, launch events, and brand partnerships.

How has Global Victoria supported your export journey into the USA?

Global Victoria's Midred Ruiz and Sundae Body's Co-Founder, Lizzie Waley at the LA Launch Event in 2024Global Victoria played a crucial role in Sundae Body's export journey, providing guidance and support from the very beginning. They recommended the ADIT Live trade show, facilitated meetings with legal advisors, and assisted with logistics during the company's initial US trips.

Tell us about your proudest achievements and challenges.

Launching in Walmart and being part of their Start Accelerator program was a major milestone for Sundae Body.

The brand also faced challenges, particularly in logistics and operations due to the distance between Australia and the US. However, their agility as a small brand and the support of their distributor helped them overcome these hurdles.

What are your three top pieces of advice for exporters considering the US market?

Sundae Body offers three key pieces of advice for businesses venturing into the US market:

  1. Cash Flow Management: Ensure your business has the cash flow to handle potential payment gaps due to shipping times.
  2. Know the Market: Visit the market to gain firsthand insights into consumer preferences, competition, and retail landscape.
  3. Trusted Advisors: Partner with trusted advisors, distributors, or local contacts who can provide on-the-ground support and guidance.

Sundae Body's story demonstrates the power of a unique product, a well-defined strategy, and support from Global Victoria in achieving success in the US market.

Learn more about Sundae Body by visiting their website, and following them on their Instagram and Facebook accounts.