Attracting thousands of diverse makers, buyers, brokers, distributors, and industry professionals from across the U.S. and the globe for three days of delicious product discovery, fruitful networking, and inspiring business opportunities.

Global Victoria will host a trade mission to the Summer Fancy Food Show (SFFS) in 2024 to showcase Victorian food and beverage companies.

The Summer Fancy Food Show trade mission will provide businesses with opportunities to showcase their brands, engage with leading food and beverage buyers and expand their networks and partners.

What types of businesses should apply?

Please note places are limited for this trade mission due to space availability.

Global Victoria encourages applications from export-ready Victorian companies (based or headquartered) from the following industries:

  • Food companies (packaged goods).
  • Non-alcoholic or zero alcoholic beverages.
  • Health or organic foods.
  • Why you should apply

    SFFS attracts thousands of buyers and distributors from the USA with a focus on the eastern seaboard.

    Exhibiting on the Australia Pavilion presented by the Victorian Government, through its trade facilitation agency, Global Victoria, will support your engagement with potential clients and partners across the USA.

    Mission participants will connect and strengthen partnerships with key international buyers throughout the USA and gain valuable market insights, through exhibition participation and networking opportunities.

    Why North America?

    The North American market is an important trading partner for Victoria.

    Food and fibre exports to the USA from Victoria were worth $1.2 billion in 2022-23. The Victorian Government is increasing investment in trade-related activities in this important region to further support new market entry for our food and beverage sectors.

    What's included?

    Global Victoria will support costs incurred during the SFFS program of events, from 23 to 25 June 2024 including:

    • a dedicated booth on the Australian Pavilion presented by the Victorian Pavilion at the SFFS exhibition
    • trade show passes for a maximum of two company representatives
    • buyer introductions following 1:1 discussions about your export goals
    • an informal networking event.

    What's not included?

    It is the participants' responsibility to manage and fund the following:

    • Visas.
    • Airfares.
    • Accommodation.
    • Travel Insurance.
    • Meals outside the program events and functions that are not hosted and/or co-supported by the Victorian Government.
    • Ground transport/s ie taxi, uber, train etc.
    • Freight – shipment and storing of product samples.

    Our Terms and Conditions

    Familarise yourself with Global Victoria's Terms and Conditions for participation in its Trade Mission Program

    Contact us

    For more information about the trade mission, contact our Trade Manager, Food and Fibre Exports, Peter Hunter