Global Victoria was pleased to support the launch of Newland Global Group’s Case Studies: Advocating Business Success Between Australia and India in Melbourne.

Photo of the Newland Global Group Case Study Cover The 26 case studies detail business successes, challenges, and learnings from doing business between Australia and India. Whether you are looking at the market for the first time and are seeking examples of how to start, or you are already well engaged with the market and are looking to enhance or expand your engagement by learning from other businesses, the case studies are an excellent resource for your business.

Illustrating a breadth of business models and covering diverse sectors, the case studies include healthcare, technology, education, eCommerce, manufacturing, financial services, infrastructure, logistics, agriculture, critical technology, and critical minerals.

This project was led by Dipen Rughani and Natasha Jha Bhaskar at the Newland Global Group and supported by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) through the Australia India Council (AIC), now known as the Centre for Australia-India Relations.

You can access the full 26 case studies via the Newland Global Groups case studies online platform

Three Victorian companies currently exporting to India – Connect2MyDoctor, E2 Learning, and Zero Latency – shared their insights at the launch.

Connect2MyDoctor (Neev Tech Labs Pty Ltd) - How an Australian telehealth platform is reinventing healthcare

Connect2MyDoctor provides a comprehensive virtual care offering to complement how people access and experience healthcare around the world.

The platform started as a B2C offering, though they soon realised that Indian healthcare is very ‘physician driven.’ They switched their strategy to white label the platform as ‘health-providers owned’ to build trust and interest, onboarding doctors and seeking their support to get patients attention.

The telehealth platform decided to build its own India-team, setting up its office in Bangalore alongside working with distribution partners and external consultants. The company had considerable support from its investors, with an added advantage of an India-aware leadership team that had experience in building products and business in global corporates.

“We started in markets that we were familiar with in terms of private hospital market opportunity, contacts, references, language, influx of medical tourism patients, and digital literacy.”

E2 Learning - How language becomes a tool for transformation

E2 offers online English language test preparation and general English classes to its global students, preparing them for exam success by providing them with live classes, one-on-one tutorials and informative course materials.

E2’s India strategy has evolved over time. With no Indian local business partner and currently no plans to set up onshore in India, E2’s business model thrives on digital marketing tools.

E2 actively markets and promotes its services, mainly through Google Ads, YouTube and other popular social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. E2 enjoys a 14 percent WOM (word of mouth) referral rate and boasts a large following of over 2.75 million subscribers on YouTube, which makes their offering well-known in India and other key markets.

“Since 2015, E2 has successfully prepared over 2 million students for their high stakes tests, most of whom hail from India.” Josh Fast, COO, E2 learning

“A blended digital product supported by (TESOL) qualified teachers often with master’s degrees in linguistics who know how to teach English to speakers of other languages is never going to financially appeal to all market segments. We would risk diluting our brand by pitching it to the wrong market segment at an unsustainably low price point.”

Zero Latency – An Australian immersive entertainment industry leader, that introduced the world to 'Free Roam VR' changed India's gaming experience forever

Founded and headquartered in Victoria (Melbourne), Zero Latency, the Australian organisation and world's largest free roam VR entertainment company was brought to India by Parinitaa Rajgarhiaa, Founder of Samrey Entertainments LLP in August 2019.

"Zero Latency's parent team in Australia offered a step-by-step guideline for the setup. Their 24/7 support with troubleshooting and having our back during the pandemic was a reassurance to the partnership with the brand. Hence, the only one lesson I have from this partnership is - treat your partners well and together we all can achieve wonders!"

"Mumbai had a perfect mix of the target age group and corporates, offered the perfect testing ground for debut of a novel experience like Zero Latency!"

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A photo of James Edwards

Our team in Melbourne and from the Victorian Government's Trade and Investment offices in Mumbai and Bengaluru are well connected and can help your export journey into one of the fastest growing economies in the world.

Contact our South Asia Regional Manager, James Edwards to explore more.