Global Victoria collaborated with Austrade to deliver a two-part webinar series focusing on the new FDA compliance and regulation requirements in the US for the Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act (MoCRA).

Our guest speaker, Angela Diesch from Amin Talati Wasserman joins us to explore what the new regulations mean for Victorian beauty, wellness and personal care (BWPC) exporters.

Part 2: US Cosmetic Compliance Requirements:  How to use the new FDA electronic submission portal

In Part 2 of the FDA Webinar Series, Global Victoria, in collaboration with Austrade unpacks the 2022 Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act (MoCRA) - New FDA Compliance & Regulations. Our guest speaker, Angela Diesch from Amin Talati Wasserman joins us again to guide us through how to use the new FDA Portal to create and submit multiple product listings, register for an FEI number and more.

Contact us

For more information about the webinars or the US BWPC industry, connect with Elizabeth Moffat - Global Victoria's Trade Manager for Beauty, Wellness and Personal Care.