Meet the Australian founders and entrepreneurs who cut a path between 37˚ N & S and found capital, partners, markets and success in the United States.
About the presenter
Podcast presenter, Michael Kleine is a career Foreign Service Officer currently serving as U.S. Consul General in Melbourne. Michael has a deep-seated interest in entrepreneurship, a fascination with innovation, and a passion for the U.S.-Australia relationship.
Martin Hosking: Redbubble
Martin Hosking recognises all startups need two things: “the gap in the market and the market in the gap.”
Evelyn Chan: Smileyscope
Evelyn Chan from thinks more about the big picture after her experience in the U.S. because Americans "want to see the whole thing."
Patrick Llewellyn: 99 Designs
Patrick Llewellyn thinks the U.S. is “The land of anything is possible”...and that hipsters everywhere are making great coffee these days.
Nick Crocker: Blackbird Ventures
Nick Crocker reflects on ambition, story telling, tall-poppy syndrome and the surface area of serendipity.
Kate Kendall: Cloudpeeps
Kate Kendall explains the diverse startup ecosystems across the United States, the importance of giving it a shot, and doubling down on persistence.
Didier Elzinga: Culture Amp
Didier talks about his journey to become a global leader in building culture-first companies and a name synonymous with entrepreneurial success.