According to the 2025 QS Best Student Cities Ranking, Melbourne is rated the number one student city in Australia and fifth best student city in the world1.

With a vibrant multicultural society, high quality of living and social inclusion, it’s no surprise that Victoria attracted 287,000 international enrolments coming from around 175 countries to study in Victoria in 2023.

Research and innovation combine to contribute to solving global challenges.

Our world-class universities, research and development (R&D) hubs, Vocational Education and Training (VET) organisations and English language schools all work in partnership with overseas providers to design and deliver customised education and training programs and services.

Victoria's education, training, and research institutions have a proven track record across a vast range of industries, which include:

  • health and biomedical science
  • agriculture and food security
  • water management
  • digital technologies
  • business
  • advanced manufacturing
  • transport
  • urban design
  • clean energy
  • mining-related services
  • creative industries
  • tourism
  • hospitality
  • education.

Discover why Victoria is an education destination by downloading the Guide to Victoria's Education & Training Institutions

Victoria's International Education Recovery Plan 2025

University students gather in a garden outside the Melbourne Exhibition Gardens

On 6 September 2022, Victoria's International Education Recovery Plan 2025 was launched. The plan outlines the Victorian Government’s vision for the sector, including initiatives that will build Victoria’s performance as a leader in education excellence and student experience.

Backed by almost $53 million in funding, the plan highlights the worldwide opportunities and connections that Victoria’s international education sector offers – including through the expansion of the Government’s Global Education Network to 19 locations with extra resources in Colombia, Korea, Japan and Vietnam.

Read Victoria's International Education Recovery Plan 2025

The International Education Short-Term Recovery Plan

On 24 November 2020, the Victorian Government announced funding of $33.4 million over one year to support the short-term economic recovery of the international education sector, and to continue support for international students.

The International Education Short-Term Recovery Plan outlines a comprehensive package of initiatives that will reset and stimulate the sector and lays the path for Victoria's International Education Recovery Plan 2025.

Download a copy of the International Education Short-Term Recovery Plan

Supporting international students through global Study Melbourne Hubs

Students sitting at a Study Melbourne Study Hub The Victorian Government's global network of Study Hubs provides support to our current international students who are studying online offshore, as well as prospective students and alumni.

Hubs are now open in Shanghai China, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A virtual and pop-up Hub is available across India, with a pop-up hub soon to roll out across Latin America.

The hubs also showcase Victoria’s global leadership in digital training and education innovation by connecting edtech companies, education providers, educators, researchers and investors to grow Victoria’s education services sector.

Victoria's education providers have experience in partnering with international organisations to deliver:

  • online learning
  • joint qualifications
  • pathway programs
  • tailored curriculum development
  • staff and student exchange
  • research collaboration
  • aid and development projects
  • vocational teacher training programs
  • consultancy services
  • customised workforce development programs.

Victoria has leading capabilities across the following areas:

Research and higher education

Our universities offer cutting edge facilities, internationally engaged academic staff, outstanding graduate outcomes and access to world-leading research infrastructures such as:

Vocational education and training

Victoria's 13 public Vocational Education and Training (VET) institutions and more than 1100 registered training organisations offer training that is competency based, industry-led and quality assured to suit the needs of employers, governments, businesses, aid and development agencies and education institutions around the world.

Australia's robust accreditation systems are recognised worldwide and Victorian providers deliver programs in the classroom, at the workplace and online with teaching teams of industry experts who either work or have worked in the fields they teach.

Vocational teacher training

The Victorian Vocational Education and Training (VET) system is underpinned by VET trainer and assessor qualifications. Our industry experts can collaborate with overseas partners to adapt these qualifications to meet the needs of each specific country.

English language training

Victorian English language teacher training qualifications are recognised across the world. Our skills and expertise in English language teacher training span all levels of education - from early childhood education to professional learning - with our English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) sector attracting large numbers of students, particularly from the Asia Pacific region.

The Pathway to Victoria Scholarship Program

The Pathway to Victoria Scholarship Program is a $7.8m initiative under the Victorian Government’s $33.4 million International Education Short-Term Recovery Plan.

The scholarships support international students undertaking English language or foundation courses before beginning their principal course in Victoria, providing a pathway for students to enrol with Victorian providers.

1QS Best Student Cities 2025.