Mount Zero Olives


Victorian company, Mount Zero Olives is a strong reflection of Victoria’s production system capabilities and environmental attributes, displayed through their products, packaging and organic status.

As a long-standing producer and exporter of many premium, unique Australian products, Mount Zero Olives is a family-run company with one of the oldest olive groves in the country located on the edge of the Grampians National Park, Victoria.

"We've just invested in a new warehouse in Melbourne that gives us the opportunity to really focus on our value add, and sets us up for some real scale" Richard Seymour - General Manager Mount Zero Olives

Mount Zero Olives has integrated self-sustaining farming practices by utilising biodynamic farming techniques that contribute to respecting and nurturing the land that their produce is grown on.

Global Victoria has assisted with connecting Mount Zero Olives to international markets – including the United States of America and the United Kingdom – by involving the company in overseas promotions that seek to highlight unique Australian products.

With a commitment to flavour, sustainable farming and quality ingredients, Mount Zero Olives organic products have helped to place the brand within the premium food market. The company's passion for ethical production standards and sustainable farming practices have produced exceptional local artisanal ingredients with international appeal.

The challenge of accessing global high-value markets has been supported by Global Victoria, particularly in Dubai through eCommerce channels such as Jones the Grocer.

Mount Zero Olives participation in these eCommerce promotions, together with their own drive into South Korean cross border eCommerce, has helped boost sales in the competitive food and beverage market.