Program overview

The Access Program offers export-related assistance and in-country expertise to Victorian company representatives visiting overseas markets.

Am I eligible?

Victorian companies wishing to use the Program must receive approval from the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (DJSIR).

The Access Program is available for businesses wishing to expand into the following markets:

  • The Americas
  • Japan
  • South Korea
  • Middle East, North Africa and Türkiye
  • China
  • India
  • Southeast Asia

Are there any prerequisites to use this service?

Yes. You should be export-ready, or nearly export-ready, and have an export strategy in place before you apply.

What do I get?

Global Victoria's Access Program gives Victorian organisations a key advantage and leverages its ability to understand the inside culture of a new country market.

The Access Program aims to help Victorian companies to:

  • forge new relationships with partners
  • market their products more effectively
  • set up an operation in the region.

Local Victorian Government Trade and Investment (VGTI) office staff in these markets can provide:

  • market intelligence
  • strategies for market entry
  • cultural training
  • introductions and networking
  • agent identification
  • product/service evaluation
  • initial market research
  • logistical support.

Victorian businesses visiting VGTI offices to identify export opportunities in the regions may be eligible to use the VGTI offices' services outlined above.

Find out more

To find out more on how you can participate in the Access Program, you can contact us online or call us on 1800 325 224